Menu Item Usage

Menu item usage is reported for each menu item sold, wasted, consumed by employees and sold with a discount.

Food item usage is reported by menu item and food type.

Menu item usage is reported daily for the inventory period.

Menu item usage is reported by 1/2 hour increments for the day.

Menu item usage is divided into product classes and reports for each class the quantity, dollar amount of sales, percent of each class to the other classes and percent of sales of each class.

Monthly quantity sold by type (original, crispy, etc.)

Raw product usage is calculated for up to 999 raw products based on the menu recipe and menu item usage.

Physical Inventory


Physical inventory is reported daily and for the inventory period tracks inventory by:
Open Inventory
Ending Inventory


Computed shelf status provides information on the current quantity of each raw product available.


Computed usage (actual) is calculated and compared to theoretical raw product usage to produce an inventory variance by raw product.


Inventory variance is kept for the day and inventory period.


Inventory data is available in a consolidated report by individual category.


Inventory can be counted at any time of the day to produce the variance report.


Reduces food cost by allowing management to spot check inventory items and quickly determine variance caused by pilferage... at any time of day - improves profitability.
Reduces manager's time in producing accurate inventory records - reducing labor cost.
Provides manager with detailed information to reduce waste by preplanning production.
Provides manager with detailed information to better judge minimum reorder points and reduce inventory stocking levels needed to meet production.
Provides data to better locate errors in inventory recording, counting of inventory, or vendor shortages.
Eliminates costly alternative inventory systems (manual or service).
Inventory records can be communicated to the office for combined and automated purchase for multiple locations.

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